Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Survived Day One

Well I survived day one. Actually, I survived night one. There are only six girls in my core class. We'll be spending the next eight to ten weeks together. We get to practice giving each other manicures, pedicures, facials, shampoos, etc. I'm the oldest one in our group...sad, and my Learning Leader is only 24. There are a couple girls that are 19, one is 22, and the other is 24. Last night was a little overwhelming, I'm not going to lie. SO MUCH information!! I know it will all make sense down the road, but getting so much information at once is always overwhelming. We also got our "kits" as they call them. These "kits" contain everything we will ever need while we're in school. Capes, combs, brushes, mirror, curling iron, blow dryer, flat iron, scissors, razors, clippers, etc. Now I have to think of a clever way to label all my stuff so that it doesn't get mixed up with other people's. Everyone at the school is some level of crazy I think...which is kind of hilarious! I'm sure I'll get there too.

I don't have to nanny this week since it's Marcy's spring break, so that's been nice! Yay for teacher's schedules!!


  1. That's great your first week in school will be less crazy since you don't have to nanny! I'm glad it went well! Enjoy your fun week.

  2. Hope everything starts getting smoother. Get a label maker for all your stuff. Thats how I label all my hair stuff.

  3. What's a label maker? What do you mean? I've been wondering how to label it all. Nail polish?? Puff paint?

  4. It's a little machine you buy from a office supply store that creates labels for you. They are pretty cool.

  5. Oh really? That's cool. I'll have to look into it.
